速報APP / 娛樂 / Vowel Space Travel

Vowel Space Travel


檔案大小:252.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Vowel Space Travel(圖1)-速報App

This game was made for you to explore British English vowels and to learn to perceive them better. Each vowel is a planet and you travel through a galaxy of these planets, trying to hear the differences between the vowels in different words and learning to do that better.

You will discover that hearing the difference between two vowels will sometimes be easy and sometimes more difficult. So you can find out which vowels you need to work on, and focus on them. A native speaker of Spanish may end up on missions in a different part of vowel space from a native speaker of Japanese. Native speakers of other varieties of English can have a go at distinguishing among the vowels of British English.


Vowel Space Travel(圖2)-速報App

- Two types of mission: Each time you fly, you choose either to distinguish between two specific vowels (e.g. seat vs. sit) or to recognise one vowel out of all the others (e.g. seat vs. sit, sat, set, sort, soot etc.)

- Multiple male and female speakers: you get to choose whether the words on your current mission are spoken by one speaker (easier) or by several speakers (harder)

- Multiple words: the vowels appear in many different words; you get to choose whether the words on your current mission all start with the same consonant (easier) or with different consonants (harder)

Vowel Space Travel(圖3)-速報App

- Three levels of feedback: 1. You see how well you are doing on each word you hear on a mission, 2. You are told how successful each mission was as soon as it is over, and 3. You see your overall score, adding over all your missions, on an overview of all the planets in vowel space.

- Adaptive: You get to choose which vowels you work on, or follow the suggestions of Mission Control

Vowel Space Travel(圖4)-速報App
